Want To Build A Brand? BUILD YOUR OWN!
Want The Perceived Strength Of Numbers? JOIN OURS!
"The qualification requirements
are very reasonable for producers
and I love the personal branding.
It makes more sense because
I'm working to build upon my own reputation instead of paying to build one for a franchise. It's the most cost-effective 'next step' for agents thinking about going out on their own."
– Chuck Lytton
It seems everyone is looking at franchises these days.
And why not? After all, bigger is always better.
And with a franchise you get the benefit of national advertising, the franchise's name recognition and all the other goodies they offer to help you list and sell more houses.
Franchises are cheap and they don't bind you to a long-term commitment, so if things don't work out you can just walk away. Right?
Consider these questions before you purchase a franchise:
Does the franchisor's advertising budget include money to market the homes YOU list?
No. Even though the franchisees ultimately pay those big advertising dollars, franchisors advertise solely to promote their brand. Why? So they can charge higher franchise fees to the next fellow in line.
Will listing with a franchisee help the
seller to sell faster or for a higher price?
No. In the end, the market will determine both the
price and the speed at which a house sells.
Is a franchise inexpensive?
No. There are upfront fees, royalties and
advertising co-ops to pay all along the way.
Can you walk away if things don't work out?
No. In fact most franchises come with a 10-year
commitment – and minimum monthly fees to
pay even during lean months when you might
sell nothing!
Let's apply a little common sense here
Your real estate business is NOT more likely to succeed by adding another layer of expense.
And if you're going to pay for branding, why not brand yourself, while still benefiting from unified and recognizable graphics that are shared with others?
The more our numbers grow, the better you look!
You can't buy your way in
All it takes to buy a franchise from the other guys is financial strength. So if you thought you'd just sign some papers and cut a check, well, you're out of luck. Our program isn't based upon the size of your wallet. It's based upon your successful track record. In fact, only the top 5% qualify. (Not there yet? We even have a program to help get you there!) But now imagine this...
No franchise fee
How is this possible? It's simple. We're not a franchise. We just look like one. If you qualify, or want to work toward qualifying, you can join our team. You'll add your name and we'll show you how to appear as your own company. Of course, our system doesn't come with everything you get from those big national franchises. Here are some of the things we just don't have:
- We have NO minimum financial strength qualifications
- We have NO up-front franchise fees
- We have NO minimum monthly franchise fees
- We have NO long-term commitment requirement
- We have NO requirement that you commit to years of space rental
- We have NO requirement for advertising contribution

"I was ready to open a franchise;
$20,000 for upfront fees, a five-year
lease commitment for office space
and an irrevocable ten-year franchise contract. But the '& Associates' program - with their unified graphics supporting individual branding - posed no risk whatsoever. It was a perfect solution."
– Evren Senol
And best of all, the real brand is YOU!
The franchises will tell you:
"Bigger is ALWAYS better."
we find that hard to swallow.
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No portion of this website or downloadable files may be reproduced without written permission.
Franchise Image Without Franchise Cost
Say YES to 'NO-Franchise'
Call Compass Realty Systems 314.414.2020